A beautiful Taiwan rainbow. This picture was taken when Elias and I were walking home from the temple one Tuesday or Wednesday evening!
Us and the Hendrys, at their last FHE at the Walkers. They are really a great couple who have been married only a few years. Both of their spouses passed away. He was home teacher to them when her husband died. His wife told him to marry Valerie after she knew she was going to pass away!
The fireworks that nearly cost us getting smothered and trampled to death! They WERE good, though!
"The group" - Daisy and myself, Sister Durrant and the sweet Filippino sisters, who have "loved" Daisy into the church!
Daisy, just before her baptism on September 6th! Sister Durrant and I (mostly Sister Durrant), taught her. She was so prepared to accept the Gospel. Her husband passed away just months before and you can imagine her joy to hear about life after deat, Eternal marriage and families!
Christine, Natalie and (I can't remember her name!), at her farewell party before leaving for Utah. Natalie is so special. I hope Brock gets to meet her! She has become dear to us.
One of the senior couples, the Dodges, who were the first couple to go home since we have been here, took us to this pita bar, close to the temple. When we get tired of rice, it is nice to have a place close that we can get something different.
This is how Elder Miller does dishes. The sink is definitely made for those who are about 4 foot high! He is so sweet to do them anyway!
Our "formal" temple presidency and one of their skits - singing their hearts out!
The "choir", singing at the temple pot luck dinner. I couldn't believe that our conductor, Sister Tan, had us do voice lessons and breathing practice before each practice. We were only singing a church hymn that everyone knew. The Chinese are very exacting in all they do. That is why they are so good at all they do, I guess.

Maribeth and I at the piano just before her lesson on Sunday. What a sweetheart! She is learning so quickly and doing so well. It is a real joy to teach these Filippino sisters piano! They are more than appreciative and try with all their hearts, because their dream is to be able to go back to the Philippines and teach their family and friends, who are too poor to take the lessons there!