Mary and Joseph - the Brimley's - best friends of Nicole and Brian Heplar, Nancy's daughter and son in law. It is a small world!!

Even the costumes were elaborate, and the set was refinished again so beautifully by Elder Bouvai, who originally built it eight years ago.

The Pageant Choir. I am on the second row in the middle, with a pink scarf and blue robe. The pageant was really a miracle this year as we didn't know until the day of the first performance whether the city would let us use this place as a venue again. The Lord's hand was pretty evident in the way all things worked out so that it could happen --even the weather mellowed for it. The last day, it was balmy and nice! In the eight years they have performed the pageant, they have never gotten rained out, although it is the rainy season!!

On to the annual Christmas Pageant put on by our Ward. This is the part the Primary children played in it. They sang "Away in a Manger"

We visited a night market where this group of high school girls "interviewed" us for their school project. They were so darned cute! How my heart ached to tell them more about our reason for being in Taiwan! I felt so much love for them!
Wow, I cannot believe it has been so long since I've entered pictures here. So here we go --