Monday, February 25, 2008

The Great Chinese Restaurant Fraud

We have all gone to and enjoyed the food at a "Chinese Restaurant" but it ain't Chinese. That is one thing we have learned while on this mission. You can get 'beef and Broccoli'; 5 taste shrimp, sweet and sour this and that. The one dish that is Chinese is rice (and noodles); but that is about all. We wanted to include a picture but we felt uncomfortable taking a picture with the server watching. There was not much that we could identify anyway. Some of the menu items that we see here 1)boiled Cabbage, 2) seaweed, 3)dumplings (some kind of meat wrapped in a dough), 4)whole fish, 5) chicken feet, 6)whole prawns, 7) French fries (actually deep fat fried sweet potatoes), 8)holeless doughnut filled with whole corn. 9)sweet potatoes served in variety of ways, 10)some places have a burner at the table and you go to a rack of food items and take to the table and cook them in boiling water; different kinds of meat and veggies plus tofu and some prepared stuff that we can't identify. For desert there is ice cream toped with corn and beans. Plus lots of other stuff that we have overlooked.
One thing we do appreciate is the pastries; very good and a lot less sugar.

It has been a glorious, warm, p-day for us! We have eaten a leisurely breakfast and lunch, something we don't get the privilege of doing usually because we eat on the run a lot! Then, our drain hose under the kitchen sink broke loose just as I began pouring rice water down it, so after we mopped things up, we walked nearly to the temple, to a little hardware store and got the things Dad needed to fix it! Thank goodness Dad is so good at fixing everything! He also mopped the floors for me and did up the dishes after lunch, while I cleaned the rest of the house, so we could go to SYS Memorial Hall, and a beautiful park surrounding it, where about 15 elderly men performed a concert of banging on some kind of drums! It was cool!! They even had a "banging master", who was conducting them, so they would keep together with their banging! After watching a couple feed the gigantic fish in the pond, and walking around the beautiful grounds, we went over to the New York New York mall and found a great American restaurant called, "Cowboy Steak House", where we had an eleven ounce rib eye steak and all you could eat salad bar, drink and dessert for $12!
Earlier, we talked to a little lady while we were waiting to cross the street! She was from Indonesia and has been here working for 2 years! I wish we would have had more time. I would have liked to have given her some pamphlets about the Church. Maybe we will see her again, coming and going! Well, we have got to get to bed! We promised Father we would get up Monday through Friday at 5:30 am to have the time to study the scriptures before going to work at the Temple! It helps us feel much more prepared spiritually, to be there! Good night!

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