Today we want to include some pictures that should have been with earlier entries. We will include a picture of Taipei 101. there is also a picture of Celeste that we want to include; let us know if you agree that it could be Celeste. Well here come the pictures then Mom has some words of wisdom.
Well here are the pics. not where I hoped but they are posted. Eva is Sis. Xia s friend and R/S teacher companion. Now I will try to add Celeste and a picture of Tower 101.
Help Celeste; the blogger puts the pics any where it wants. I am not a happy blogger.

This is Mom! How is everyone doing? We are loving this blog! It will help us to remember our mission better! First of all, it feels great to be walking again! I'm so grateful to the Lord for granting me that privilege again so quickly! I will never again take walking for granted! I really had a sweet experience at the temple recently. One of our new Temple workers helped me, and I came quickly to realize, he was weeping for joy at the time! The work here is soooo sweet! I cannot express my gratitude to Father for letting us work in this special Temple with these special people! I'm so grateful to have continual learning experiences, both in and out of the Temple! The Lord gave me strength to apologize to a woman whom I did not treat with the sensitivity that I should have. I'm starting to recognize more of my weaknesses! Being so much in theTemple helps me to have more power to correct them! We are promised this blessing in D&C 109:22-23, and also in D&C 43:16! Father sure keeps His promises!! Another blessing I am noticing - I'm amazed that I can still remember the words of these ordinances after three years of not saying them!! For me, that is miraculous!! Last night was sweet as I was able to comfort a dear sister who had come to the Temple for solace. She pointed to her greying hair and said she was still single and felt embarrassed because she was still going to Single Adults and wasn't married yet! I could not speak much with her by words, but my heart reached out to her, and I was able to give her the loving hug that Father would have wanted to give her if He could! Well, we must go!! All our love, mom PS We were excited to hear that Trent and Jill Brown have received callings in our Ward and are really enjoying being there! She is going to work in the Primary and Trent will work with as the Assistant Varsity Cloach!!
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