We then drove to more of the marble canyons and hiked down to the clear, blue water below. Everyone took off their shoes and socks and enjoyed playing in the coolness of it. We had planned to hike up to a valley called Secret VAlley, but it was so hot and this water so much fun to play in, that we spent our time here and did not continue up to the Secret VAlley. No one complained about cooling off instead of hiking more! All were so happy to be able to do and see all that we did together. What a great group of people. We enjoyed them and the entire trip immensely. When we finished playing in the pool, we climbed on the buses and headed home, stopping one last time for dinner at a steak house. Can you believe all this cost Dad and I $100 each for EVERYTHING! THe best part, though, was being with these dear CHinese brothers and sisters!!
This is brother and sister Tan, washing their hands at the entrance of the small Buddhist temple. There were a lot of other people there so we didn't get any more good pictures.
We next stopped to visit a Buddhist temple and found this antique truck while walking on the way. BRother TAn hopped inside and we got a good picture - don't you think?
Our BIshop and his family in their paddle boat, after he had driven his kids around the lake on his portable bicycle. It folds up so little and is so easy to take places! I took a picture of it, but am not sure I can find it again.
This morning after our devotional and exercise, we headed back to Li Yu Lake for paddle boating and motorboating. Our group chose the motorboating. Here is our boat driver!! Isn't she cute?I'm so sorry this blog is backwards, but I don't know how to make it frontwards, so please bear with it and just read it from the bottom up. Here goes again:
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