It has been so great to get to talk to some of you this week and to find out how to FINALLY talk to the Lagerstroms on the telephone! All this time we have been blocked from getting through but we figured it all out now, so watch out!! We have been humbled to hear of Brock's award at the annual BYU football Awards Banquet and Ceremony, and he had no idea he was getting it! There were not that many awards given, and Brock was the only one who received one who was not a starter on the team! We are especially proud of him because Dad had read earlier, of this award and the great man for whom they made it! He was BYU's equipment manager for many years, and so beloved by all who knew him. He was the spiritual uplift of the guys on the team, and was always there, cheering them on as a team and also in an individual way, with a listening ear and sympathetic heart for anyone who was down, or needed to have his confidence strengthened! During the evening of awards last week, they played clips of each of the players who were being honored and Brock's clip showed his enthusiasm and support for the team and individuals. It really touched Brock's heart and the hearts of everyone. In fact, one man came up to him afterward and said, "The only football player that was honored tonight whose hand that I want to shake, is the hand of the recipient of this coveted "Floyd Johnson Shield of Faith Award!" Congratulations! Brock went home and wept! He realized that giving 110% in everything he did, from weight-lifting, and all that tough, football practices entail, to serving and supporting others with his whole heart, pays off in character and integrity and makes everyone around him become a better person and a better player because of his example!! Another "tender mercy" for him, was the fact that Coach Reynolds came up to him and wanted to know what number he would like put on his jersey. Wanting Lance's number, but not thinking it would be available, he said, " Is number 36 available?" "Yep", responded the coach. So we will know what number to look for from now on!
Today was an especially rewarding Sunday. We are practicing some of the most beautiful songs in our Ward Easter program, and we have some of the most beautiful singing voices I've heard in a choir and as soloists. The program should have everyone feeling the Spirit of love for the Savior by the time it ends. After choir practice, we helped with the Filipino dinner and then I taught some piano students, Virginia, Erlinda and Mary Jane! They are such a joy to teach because they get soo excited to learn new things and just squeal and hug me during the lessons! Erlinda told me, " We want to make our teacher happy - so we practice every day." Can you imagine such appreciative students? Here is a picture of those that were with me today! They have such tough lives, living and working away from their families and children, who are being taken care of by others in the Philippines while they work here to send money to them. But you have never seen a happier, more grateful people for the little that they have!

This Saturday, at the 2:00 session, we should have Virginia, Chris Allen, and Leonora, from our Temple Preparation class, receive their Temple blessings! The sisters want me to be their escort. I hope we can arrange it at the Temple, and that they don't need me in another capacity there at that time! President Walker said it shouldn't be too busy because it is election day here and most people will be voting!
President Eyring's article in this last special issue of the "Ensign", really hit home to me as I pondered it a second time. There is so much I can learn from his suggestion to ponder the times in my life that the Atonement has helped me change and repent and give thanks to Father for those times. We can then help others more and be a more powerful voice, if WE can get the gift of bearing a sure witness that Jesus is the Christ and the Savior of the world! The time I thought of, was when I felt such resentful feelings toward Pop and the way he treated Mom and my brother Doug. I d to feel that way towards him, but I did, and I had to work so hard to feel good towards him for so many years. But as I kept trying to repent and asking the Lord to help me, I began to feel a great appreciation and love for him, and the Lord made those negative feelings disappear. None of them are left!! What a miracle! It was so hard at first, but as I persisted in asking for help, it became easy!! What a testimony to me of His Atoning power to change our very hearts! WEll, there are so many wonderful experiences I still desire to share with you, but I'd better head to bed. It is late and Dad has fallen asleep! THE CHURCH IS TRUE AND WE LOVE YOU!! Mom and Dad
1 comment:
It is so wonderful to hear how you two are doing and see pictures at the same time! I cannot belive ou are teaching piano, that is wonderful. It sounds like your temple prep students will be fully prepared, good job. We are having Susie over for dinner tonight, I've got to go finish making it I guess! Love you
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