We had a most interesting hike the other day. It was, for the most part unbelievable. Here are the pictures to prove our point. The entire trail was finished in rock stairs. Everything was so nicely done! They even had an outdoor weight room at the top, with a man who was lifting a barbell, but watch out in between! You wouldn't want to hike it if it were wet! We should call this hike the "stairway to heaven" hike because it was ALL UPHILL until you got to the top of the mountain. Then you hiked ALL DOWNHILL! A sweet Chinese lady who was going the opposite direction offered to take our picture together! The day was perfect for hiking because it was cool and a little windy! It was very beautiful - but oh, those stairs!! I like hiking in Utah much better, even though they don't have fancy stairs and outdoor weight rooms! You can see where we were hiking in relation to the 101 Tower in the one picture with Dad in it, and the one with me in the forefront! In the other picture, I sat down to pet this dog, but he just snubbed me and walked on by, not giving me any notice until he reached the Chinese sign above! Oh, well.

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